Contact Us

If you need to contact someone from Footy Hoodie Australia please send us a email to - or send us a message on the form below.

Frequently asked questions:

Where are you based?

We are based in Melbourne, Victoria - Australia

Are you Australian Made?

YES! All our products are designed by us. The material's used is also Australian sourced. Our manufacture is based in Melbourne, Victoria.


Are the Footy Hoodies Overpriced?

The Footy Hoodie is worth every dollar! Our price is purely based on the high quality of material being used and that fact that its all sourced within Australia. You will know exactly what we are talking about when you have one of our Hoodies in your hands.

What is your refund policy?

We have a 30 days money back guarantee on FAULTY products.

We have provided you with a diagram explaining how to pick the right size for yourself. 

Being a small business a lot of our products are made to order.

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